Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is my story....

Hello my name is Worm.... I travel from town to town, place to place, and family to family. This my story.....
Poor Little Worm....
He's a little upset that he didn't make the Labyrinth reproduction cut and has been having
a hard time I have to say.....
First he thought it was his blue hair you didn't fancy...
So he went with being a red head!

But that didn't work too well...... Poor worm...
Then he thought about being a brunette!

Oh this sure wasn't the trick!
How about a blond?!
They say they have more fun!!!

No.... not this either...
So Worm went off one day and thought maybe his cuteness would get him a new gig!
Like a theater musical of Little women!
He can play the part of Joe!
But he didn't get the cut...
How about the New Harry Potter musical at the local theater then?!

But some kid with a English accent got the part instead.......... *sob...
So he thought whats the use and went to smoking pot.... poor worm...
even bought a crazy new feather hat to wear

Enjoyed the clubs !!..............But.....
He was pulled over one day and the coppers found his weed on him and put him behind bars.

Problem is that his room mate snores... grrr...........He just can't bear............ it anymore....

Not to mention the Manual labor! These rocks are heavy to pull in the cart!!

So after all this he figured he might as well go into religion and now he wears a Burka.
His new name is Aleb Mahammad....

Stay tuned for worms next adventures... he just might surprise you!


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